Top hobbies in my life

 9:23 PM

Hey, guys you ever gotten for not home? Not sure what to do. No. Good couch and start my hobby is gonna help you not to be lazy and to those are going to show you then life can be a lot of fun. All you need to do is find things that you love that you're passionate about and you do it in this video. I'm going to show you, 20 Hobbies you can choose From, let's get to it. 

It's very quick, if it's the first time that you're here, I'm Daniel. Welcome to my channel. And if you haven't subscribed yet, please consider it. So you won't miss any of the next videos. Now, let's start with the first hobby. My favorite hobby for me, it's only fun. If I catch fish, I love Fishing the most but rivers and lakes can also be a lot of fun just like anything in life. The more you do it the more you learn about it, and the better. Yes. So the easier it becomes to catch fish, you can try Bait, and fish spinning. Thor. Trolley car restoration is full, guys love coughs. So why not get to car restoration? My favorite is old vintage and classic cars but you can get into whatever you prefer. So if you've got the space in your carriage for the backyard, why not give it a try? 

Rafi, you might be more artistic pp than you think. There are different types of Photography that you can try like nature photography, portrait photography fashion, and Sports. Editorial architectural. Still life. And food photography. I would prefer nature photography. 

Bowling is one of the things you don't know about my love for you, can join a club and do it more seriously or he can just do it every now. And then when you feel like, okay, it's time to just get out of the house and then you do it, the more you play better, you get a metal detector. This is something that I've always wanted to do but just never really got to it, but I think it's perfect especially if you just want to 

Get out of the way from people just to be alone with your headset on you're just out there searching and you never know you might find some treasure that becomes important. In the old days, people used to do a lot of Trainspotting but you can also focus on other things like birds or trees. We got to do is grab a notebook, get to know the birds and trees and then Out of just go and do it and just relax and focus on it. The older you get, the more you're going to appreciate it and you can see the world in different ways. 

Get into cooking. No, I'm not a big fan of making a lot of food for a lot of people, but I do love baking healthy breast, but if you get into cook there career's a lot of methods. But you can try like, Stewie poaching, frying, grilling or roasting steaming simmering braising Lunch and Royce. You always need to feed every day of your life. So why not just teach yourself how to make delicious food for yourself? And then for the rest of your life, you can eat delicious food. 

Play a musical instrument. There are so many instruments that you can choose from like drums, piano guitar, saxophone, trumpet cello, accordion, food, and coloring heart. My favorite, the violin is gonna take some time to learn how to play it. Well, Fuss in the end is going to be worse, start working out, because then shaped by going to the gym or just doing your workouts. Gone, change your jeans but you can change your body working out will not just give you a fit and healthy body but is also going to change the way you think it's going to teach you self-discipline and also just to take good care of yourself. Online invest. This is something that you can just test and try out if you don't know a lot about it, then just start with the basics of investing. A little bit of money into the stock market is also a lot of different apps that you can download that will help you with it. Now, don't go investing all your money or a lot. Just a little at the start just to learn the ropes. Breathe. When I was younger I did not like reading at all. For me. It was like, or but then when I was around 18, I read a book that changed my life and that showed me that. Hey, boots are awesome. There's a whole world in a book. I'm Afrikaans right to the book that I've read was Anna V. It's about this guy who needs at least to survive in the bush. That shows us all the elephants in it, but it was a great book, teaching me. 

Reading books can be a lot of fun to get a book and read something. You like maybe a true story Adventure fantasy or a crime. Thriller just getting ready. 

Start a blog or YouTube Channel, why not? That's what I asked myself when I first wanted to start. Even some of my family members did not believe in me and Saddam and isn't I'm going to work but I still did it. So if you can bring value into the world that we live to change lives, if you have something to say to make a difference, why not do it? We all have to start somewhere. I had to start somewhere, I start doing just one. 

Primer. And now I have two YouTube channels and I Do It full time and it's fun. 

DIY today, we are flat bones like YouTube and we can learn how to do almost anything, especially DIY projects to start building repairing, and modifying things yourself without asking for help. Homebrew, you can start to make your beer or kombucha at home. It's fun to experiment with different tastes and to make something special that you'll learn about the car. May be honest, I'm not great at car maintenance. My dad never really taught me but I can always learn myself. And so, can you and in the end, in the long run, is going to be worth it? 

You going to save time and money. 

Gaming. There are a lot of games out there that are fun, different types of games, but stay away from those weird and see games. Just do the healthy ones, get together with a few friends, and play. You don't even have to be in the same house. You can just do it online. You can't write a memo massively multiplayer online. FPS first-person shooter games RPG, role-playing games, And then also sports, that's a lot of fun. Don't get addicted, self-defense, classes. This is an important one because they're always going to be those weird and crazy people out there that are just going to want to start a fight for someone who might just want to rob you and you will need to know how to defend yourself and your family or you can even get into a sport that will help you move it like boxing. 

Join an Old school. This is still on my to-do list because I want to go and try to survive in the wild for a few days, just living off the line you want to do something like this too, then you'll need to learn a few survival skills like building a shelter. Starting a fire animal track fishing. And forage, try a sport, like a golf. I always thought golf is boring and when you look at it on the TV and they just hit the ball and it goes so worrying for me until I was forced to play it. I wanted to marry my wife, I had to play with her father to ask for permission. I had to do it a few times, so he could just test me out. See, what kind of guy I am. So, he talking 

Lego, and it was a lot of fun. I'm not great at it. 

Trying to get a telescope and learn more about the stars, all the different planets, and constellations. This is truly something that will show you how amazing all of creation is and how small we are guys. The world is huge there, so much to do. So don't just sit at your home. Feeling bored, go and enjoy life. What's more about my videos? Like this one to enjoy life, even I'll see you guys next video. Cheers.

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