How To Use Hair Gel For Men - (the best way to use hair gel)

How To Use Hair Gel For Men - (the best way to use hair gel)

I'll be showing you the two best ways to use hair gel so that your hair stays looking as good as possible. And towards the end of the video, I will also be sharing the reasons why I don't think a juror is the best product for most guys. Let's Jump Right In. You can use these techniques with almost any form of hair gel. I picked up this tub for under 1 pound but I find that gels in general perform very similar across different price points. I find the overall best way to use hair gel is in

WiAairdryer is what we like to call a pre-styling product to start with wet clean hair. And then rub a small amount of gel between your hands. And then across the hair, make sure that you've got a thin layer across all the areas of the head. And then set the hair dryer on to a medium temperature and a fast speed, then start to dry and shake the hair. Either with your hands or with some type of brush like this round one. I'm using it in this video, you'll find a link to that, as well as the other products in the video in the description below. You can create volume in the hair by using a twisting motion as the hairstyle. With the dryer, you can start shaping your style, the stickiness of the gel, helps provide quite a strong structure, meaning that you can do quite a lot with the hair, and then you can finish with the hair dryer by doing a short, cool blast. You'll notice that when you finish doing this, your hair doesn't have the typical greasy wet. Look the gel normally provides. It looks much more matte and much more natural, and it also provides significantly more volume. Which means he can have a range of hairstyles. It's up to you. What do you do from here? You can leave the hair as it is, or you can use a second product if you 

Reinforce the whole overall for me, that's the best way of using hair gel, but here's the second method. If you don't have a hair dryer for this one, you'll want to grab the narrowest tooth comb that you can find for this technique. Make sure that you start with either dry or only slightly damp have then applied a thin layer of gel across the head of your hand and then you'll want to get to work with your current. I'll mention it in a minute. Why? I think this type of Comb works, best than your fine tooth comb. You can start to create the style that you want. This has now generally works best for more formal slicked, back hair, 

How To Use Hair Gel For Men - (the best way to use hair gel)

Oils. Especially those where the parting, make sure the style is quick because the gel will dry quite fast. And then overall, you'll be left with a Sleek look, not too dissimilar from using a Pomade. So that's my two recommended ways of using hair gel, either with the hair dryer or the fine-tooth comb, but I also wanted to throw in a couple of my thoughts about these types of products and why you might get better results with different types instead. Now undoubtedly, this sort of product does have a couple of advantages. Number one, you can normally find these incredibly cheap and the 

Being, they often provide a very strong. Hold, unfortunately, you'll never catch me using these off-products daily for a couple of simple reasons. The first one is that hair geltendsy gel tends hair. Multiple strands normally get found together. When using this means that in most cases, you can see straight through to the scalp of the user. If you've got fine or thinning hair like myself, it's only going to make that hair look even thinner. You'll notice here if I try and style this normally with my hands in any sort of way 

It just doesn't give a good log. This is also why I recommended using a comb with as finer teeth as you can fight because this will keep the hair strands as individual as possible. Reducing the chances of people being able to see straight through to the scalp. The second thing is often I find that gels end up being flaky, especially if you start touching your hair or if using any sort of heat with you it almost looks as if you got really bad. Dandruff is just one of the strange properties that you get with gels. And the third reason is just the static gels. Almost always. A greasy and wet. It can make you look like your hair is absolutely cake. Tin products for they've just been caught in any monsoon. It looks the opposite of a natural matte finish and I find that if you want the high shine finish that there are various types of Pomade then just do a better job and that's my viewpoint as a whole. I think that you can get other products even similar prices to this cheap gel or do a better job. For instance, this will shock wave products. I picked it up at the same price as the hair gel and although it isn't a great product, it's still a lot. 

Isn't a job provides a much more natural matte finish and it's much easier to use as a whole, which overall contributes to giving you a better-looking hairstyle. So in the description, I'll try and Link this one or an equivalent depending on where you live, as well as a premium for it. That provides even better results. I'll try and Link products for UK India and America as well. What do you think about hair gel? Let me know in the comment section below. If you found this video useful, please press the like button and see videos like this, in the future. Press the Subscribe button, and I'll see you. 

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